Back in college, in 2004 when blogging was hardly even a thing yet, I was here. Blogging before blogging meant anything to anyone. You can look in the archives for my past writings, but it was much more like a journal in the past. When we started fundraising, I messed around with the idea of launching something new for this new phase of our journey but actually hated that idea. I am a sum of all of my life and so much of it is here already. So I'm keeping it here. At least for now.

My main focus these days is blogging about our newest journey into the bizarre and wonderful world of gestational surrogacy. Posts dated 2013 and forward will trend heavily toward that journey. I don't promise everything I write will be about though. There might be other things that sneak in occasionally.

Please come along our journey with us. As the saying goes, "The more, the merrier!"

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Beginning from the Past

I started my blog before blogging was popular, in April of 2004. Now it is April of 2011 and pretty much everyone has a blog. I took a long break when the words broke in my head. (See post) I had hoped the break would end that spring, but it has been years and many trials since I last felt like recording any of them. For some reason, this week I have wanted to start writing things down again.

So I am going to start on here, where my past is already recorded. I thought about starting a different blog, something new - since I am so different now than I was back in 2008. In briefly reading through my past and recalling some of those moments and memories, it makes me feel that starting over would be a kinda of self betrayal. Denying who I used to be isn't going to help me becoming who I need to be tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be here all too soon. I cannot say more tonight for it is just coming back to me how to be myself through a keyboard. It still feels a little foreign and I don't want to force too much.

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