Back in college, in 2004 when blogging was hardly even a thing yet, I was here. Blogging before blogging meant anything to anyone. You can look in the archives for my past writings, but it was much more like a journal in the past. When we started fundraising, I messed around with the idea of launching something new for this new phase of our journey but actually hated that idea. I am a sum of all of my life and so much of it is here already. So I'm keeping it here. At least for now.

My main focus these days is blogging about our newest journey into the bizarre and wonderful world of gestational surrogacy. Posts dated 2013 and forward will trend heavily toward that journey. I don't promise everything I write will be about though. There might be other things that sneak in occasionally.

Please come along our journey with us. As the saying goes, "The more, the merrier!"

Monday, August 04, 2014

Second FOF Sale

It has been a little more than a week since the conclusion of our most recent FOF Garage sale. Happy to report that it was a good sale, with a good total for the three days. Our total this time exceeded our total from the June sale by about $250, thanks in part to some bigger ticket items that were donated. We are still facing a huge dollar amount for our overall goal. That seems so far away from where we are today, but these early activities have been encouraging. With time, we will get there. I truly believe we will.

We are already experiencing such generousity and kindness. These early days make me excited to see what the future will hold. Garage sales are just the beginning, Brave Souls. We have a lot of other things in the works. My f3c is seriously rocking it lately with her ideas and thoughts about future events. What does the future hold fundraising wise? We only have a near future picture laid out, but our brains are working overtime to think of new and exciting things we can do. We are planning to do something online with a crowd funding site; still figuring out the details on all of that but our goal is to have something up by 9/1. This week I'm hosting a party given by another friend, a Thirty-One; consultant. She is donating a percentage of the sale to our FOF Fund. We're thinking about possibly doing a movie night, a spa night, as the weather cools, even a few bake sales. These are just a couple of the things we are thinking of doing. I'd love suggestions of things you've done or heard about for fundraising ideas. We have some unique rules and guidelines to follow since we are not a non-profit organization, but at this stage, we need brainstorming abs fresh ideas. So come one, come all! Ideas - flow forth!! 

Fundrasising garage sales are a lot of work! I had wonderful helpers this round - you all know who you are - and we grateful to each of them, as we are to all of those who donated their "junk" in pursuit of our Little Treasure. Despite the fact that it's a work-intensive process to garage sale, I've enjoyed it so far...even more than I expected to at first.

After the June sale, we decided to do an "extra sale" in between the June & September ones scheduled in our subdivision. That meant a bit more work. First, advertising on my own was a bit of a challenge. We are so spoiled by the community aspect of our subdivision sale in that I have to do very little on the advertising end. It was a learning experience for sure! Also, trucking all our donations to my parent's driveway - an hour from where we live was no small feat. Another thing we learned is that without an actual truck, this takes about a week of back and forth loads of stuff we could fit into my small sedan. We (um, well SL and my dad) also did a lot of creative maneuvering (and endured minor peronal injury) with a donation of larger furniture we received to get all the pieces to fit into a mini-van. We are so thankful that all the large pieces sold and we didn't have to figure out how to truck them back up to our place! Seriously - how do we not know anyone with a big truck??? 

I meant to get this post up a lot sooner, but my body and soul have been craving a bit of rest from the hustle-bustle of fundraising activities. So I've been leaning into that craving and just letting myself be restful in my body and soul this week. We'll hit the ground running soon enough for the September sale. 

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