Back in college, in 2004 when blogging was hardly even a thing yet, I was here. Blogging before blogging meant anything to anyone. You can look in the archives for my past writings, but it was much more like a journal in the past. When we started fundraising, I messed around with the idea of launching something new for this new phase of our journey but actually hated that idea. I am a sum of all of my life and so much of it is here already. So I'm keeping it here. At least for now.

My main focus these days is blogging about our newest journey into the bizarre and wonderful world of gestational surrogacy. Posts dated 2013 and forward will trend heavily toward that journey. I don't promise everything I write will be about though. There might be other things that sneak in occasionally.

Please come along our journey with us. As the saying goes, "The more, the merrier!"

Monday, October 08, 2007

Another lesson...

Beyond the message of "wait" something else came from a God who I've been accusing of silence, knowing full well He's not capable of such a trait. It came clearly, and undeniably as that one of "wait" and seems to go in its hand. I know He's never silent. And thank God, I now know in quiet I am to wait and trust.

Simple. True. Biblical. Not amazingly profound, spectacular, or new. Not the resounding trumpet blast or voice I desired; not the way I would have chosen to recieve from Him. But in line with other lessons of late. Specifically the one where He's teaching me to receive from others. And really all I needed. Just wait. Just trust.

It is true. God is not silent. Sometimes I just don't like what I hear.

"He tends his flock like a Shepard:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.
Who has measured the waters in the
hollow of his hand
or with the breadth of his hand marked
off the heavens?
Who has held the dust of earth in a
or weighted the mountains on the scales
and the hills in a balance?
Who has understood the mind of the
or instructed him as counselor?
Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten
and who taught him the right way?
Who was it that taught him knowledge
or showed him the path of
Isaiah 40:11-14

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