Back in college, in 2004 when blogging was hardly even a thing yet, I was here. Blogging before blogging meant anything to anyone. You can look in the archives for my past writings, but it was much more like a journal in the past. When we started fundraising, I messed around with the idea of launching something new for this new phase of our journey but actually hated that idea. I am a sum of all of my life and so much of it is here already. So I'm keeping it here. At least for now.

My main focus these days is blogging about our newest journey into the bizarre and wonderful world of gestational surrogacy. Posts dated 2013 and forward will trend heavily toward that journey. I don't promise everything I write will be about though. There might be other things that sneak in occasionally.

Please come along our journey with us. As the saying goes, "The more, the merrier!"

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Origins of Kindness

A friend sent me a quote a couple weeks back that after a littler research seems to be the combination of a two quotes actually. What she sent was this:

"Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

In looking for who to credit with that quote I found that it has several authors and is a mixture of two quotes really. Still, overused, very cliche, but nonetheless true.

Break it down it looks like this:

"Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Attributed to both T.H. Thompson and John Watson

"Always be a little kinder than necessary." James M Barrie

Smoosh it together a little and you get the above...I like how we are lazy sometimes and combine things other people say into "famous phrases."

Anyway, I was thinking about it today because, like it or not, (and I don't) the premise of these lines, should I let them, could influence a decision I have to make. It is not necessary for me to do this thing. (And I really don't want to do it...) But the "kinder than necessary" approach would, in fact, mean that I would do it regardless of my desire to not.

There was a time when I would have jumped at an opportunity like this. Praised God for the thing He must have planned in and through it. Now it just feels like a chore. Obedience is not always fun. Is that it? Is that what's wrapped up in this mess for me to learn? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know. Again, I could "set boundaries" and walk the other way. And it wouldn't really be unkind. I'm not breaking any rules here if I decide to "play it safe." In fact, playing it safe this time, really might keep me healthier. So there's praying yet to be done...and rest assured that to respect and protect the healing I've done I will be kind - one way or another. Even if it turns out to be the "tough love" kind of kindness.

Just pray I can have this all resolved by Tuesday.

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